Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Laws

AS the 2007 comes to an end...

66. The Law of Patterns.

Any habit or pattern, whether we call it good or bad, tends to reassert itself over time unless we break that pattern by doing something different. If it is good, we can reinforce the pattern with small self rewards. We have the power of spontaneous action, doing old things in new ways, changing and restructuring our lives and our behavior. Some of our change ability is dictated by the ways we learned when we were young. We learned to make sense of the world by observing patterns, and this has survival value. We can correct the patterns we see as dysfunctional, negative or destructive by doing something different that will have sufficient impact to interrupt the old pattern.

67. The Law of Perfection.

This law concerns the absolute perfection of the process of our unfolding. From a transcendental perspective, everyone and everything is unconditionally perfect. From a conventional viewpoint, perfection doesn't exist. Excellence is the best we can achieve, and achieving it takes time and practice. When we understand the larger picture, we understand our role and responsibility in helping the world we live in to become more loving, giving, kinder and gentler. When we live up to this responsibility, we expand into the perfection of our higher selves.

68. The Law of Periodicity.

Training for the aspirant will by cyclic, and will have its ebb and flow, as all else in nature. Times of activity succeed times of pralaya, and periods of registered contact alternate with periods of apparent silence. If the student develops as desired, each pralayic period is succeeded by one of greater activity, and of more potent achievement. Rhythm, ebb and flow, and the measured beat of the pulsating life are ever the law of the universe. In learning to respond to the vibration of the high Places, this rhythmic periodicity must be borne in mind.

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

visit also at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

3rd Dimension Living

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living
49. The Law of Love.
One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the law of the astral plane. It aims at the transmutation of the desire nature (love in the personality), and links it up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the buddhic plane (love in the Triad), and the Monads of Love. These three points mark periods of completion, and starting points for fresh endeavor in the life of the evolving Monad - from the personality to the Triad, from the Triad to the Monad, from the Monad back again to its Source. Love limits itself by desire.

50. The Law of the Lower Four.
This law is also known as the law of etheric union, and its symbol is a male and female form, placed back to back. The male figure is holding above his head a shield or tray of silver, a great reflector, while the female form holds aloft an urn full of oil. Below this sign is another hieroglyphic which contains the secret of the astral plane, which has to be dominated by the mental. The ray energy is fiery energy of the 5th ray, the vitalizing factor.

51. The Law of Magnetic Control.
One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This holds paramountly on the buddhic plane, and in the development of the control of this law lies hid the control of the personality by the Monad via the egoic body. A second description on a very physical/man level, is that every thought we have creates a match that comes back to us like a boomerang.

52. The Law of Magnetic Impulse.
Also known as the first step towards marriage, or the law of the polar union. It results in an eventual union between the man or atom and the group which produces harmonious group relations. It is also known as the law of the polar union, and the symbol is two fiery balls united by a triangle of fire, thus picturing the triple interplay between all atomic structures. The ray energy is radiatory energy of the 2nd ray. Manifesting factor.
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Law of Knowledge

47. The Law of Knowledge.

This law concerns the fact that all knowledge concerns energy, its application, and its use or misuse. Much information is withheld from a person until s/he is a disciple, and still more until he is a pledged initiate. Information is not as necessary to the training of the disciple or initiate as is the proper use of thought energy. (i.e. Full Mindfulness) Knowledge is the right apprehension of the laws of energy, of the conservation of force, of the sources of energy, of its qualities, its types and its vibrations.

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living

surf at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Law of Karma

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living

46. The Law of Karma.

This is the natural principle of cause and effect. Every cause has its' effect; every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law. It is ever at work with chains of causations and effects that govern all of life and manifested matter. If a person was to follow each chain link of causation, it will be found that it has its beginning and endings in the non material realm, the realm of spirit. It affects the throwing of dice on a gambling table or a rock slide that is caused by rain and wind. Each can be followed and understood to the observing mind which sees the cycles in all things, and realizes that all things follow the Great Law. The law itself is illusive and cannot be proven other than observed with the mind and is used to determine the causations and effects of any event. When this law is used with conscious effort, desired results can be produced in a person's life by steering him or herself along definite paths of causation. When the law is used in an unconscious and haphazard mind, the effects could become potentially disastrous for the individual or group of individuals. So called "accidents" could occur without warning to individuals who toil through life without awareness. We are responsible for the very thoughts that we produce and the final result of our own mental alchemy. Fear is one of the most dangerous mental causation that prevents a person from thinking and acting as the higher self would prefer. The cause of fear is the result of a lack of knowledge about the unknown God which should be the most important educational journey in a person's life. The causation of fear can only be removed through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding Universal Law, the reality that we live in order to produce the desired effects in our lives. The greatest evil under the sun according to Hermes / Thoth, is Not knowing God. In every minute thought, action, and deed that is performed, a person sets into motion unseen chains of causations and effects which will vibrate from the mental plane throughout the entire cellular structure of body, out into the environment, and finally into the cosmos. Eventually the vibratory energy returns to its originator upon the return swing of the pendulum. All this in less time than the twinkling of an eye. Because there are seven dimensions of reality in which causations can occur, we remain unaware of many reasons for effects. By understanding Universal laws we can learn to operate in grace instead of accumulating karma (restrictive). This law is mechanically or mathematically operative; its workings may be scientifically manipulated by men and women of divine wisdom (fully realized). The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Therefore, desire is the chain that binds man to the reincarnational wheel. Karma is attracted only where the magnet of the personal ego still exists. An understanding of karma as the law of justice underlying life's inequalities serves to free the human mind from resentment against God and man.

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

surf at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com

Ricky Murugan.

Law Of Vibration And Attraction

from Awareness Series Book 1

The Uneducated One

Take an hour of your free time.

Go and sit at a quiet place where there are less people around you.

Think about your friends and relatives that you MOST OFTEN spend your time with and COMFORTABLE with.

Recollect back back what they and you normally think about,talk about and do.

Be very honest with yourself.

Do they have characteristics like yours?

Remember,your world is just a reflection of you!

surf at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The powerful Laws from the Universe


44. The Law of Inverse Proportions. (Longevity)

One need not die if the pranic life force is not lost but increased, and drawn from the Cosmic source, conquering death and fate. The span of life is related to the rate of breathing. If the span of life is 120 years and the normal person breathed 21,600 times per day, that is 15 respirations per minute. If the rate of breathing is 18 per minute, however, the span of life will be about 96 years. If because of poor living habits and needless expenditure of energy the average rate of breathing is 30 per minute, the life span will be only 60 years. If the rate is slowed through yogic practices and self control to an average of only 5 respirations per minute the life span will be 360 years. If it is one per minute, the life span will increase to 1,800 years. If the rate of breathing is reduced to zero, the life span becomes infinity. The secret of longevity lies in the technique of diverting the breathing to the subtle channels and centers.

Thank you Dear Universe for empowering to me this knowledge.

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

surf also at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Law of Intention.

42. The Law of Intention.

When a person's intention is held in the mind and action of the physical effort does not follow, people create false impressions of self. He or she thinks self is good or better than actions prove. Energy must follow intention for that which is perceived as good to happen. When an act of kindness is performed and intention is such that one wishes to be recognized for goodness, or has underlying motivation which is not of the higher order, higher rewards will not be forthcoming. Intention and effort must be of the higher vibration to gain or create spiritual accomplishment and reward. If a person gives a promise to another to do something and has an intention to do so, but does not follow through with action, this becomes a lie, a breaking of one's word, and creates karma.

surf also at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com/

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Monday, December 10, 2007


Nature's Path To Success

Every single creation of the CREATOR,when it is broken down to the very basic,you"ll get the building blocks of this Universe which are atoms.

Science tells us that atoms are constantly vibrating.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Law of Living-The Law of Honesty

The Center For Innerpeace

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living

40. The Law of Honesty.

Recognizing, accepting and expressing our authentic interior reality lies at the heart of honesty. Only when we are honest with ourselves can we speak or act honestly with anyone else. In the sense of integrity, honesty entails acting in line with higher laws despite negative impulses to the contrary. We don't need to be punished for breaking spiritual law or higher laws. The act itself is the punishment and sets into motion subtle forces whose natural consequences we cannot escape any more than we are able to escape the force of gravity. When we let fear stop us from expressing our true feelings and needs, we are being dishonest with ourselves and it costs us a sense of energy and spirit.

check out also http://rckym.thesgrprogram.com

see also at http://sgraffiliatebootcamp.com

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Laws of Higher Will.

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living

39. The Law of Higher Will.

From the viewpoint of our separate self and smaller will, it's normal to act on the basis of our own desires and preferences. When we surrender our smaller self and will to the guidance of a higher will and dedicate our actions for the highest good of ALL concerned, we feel an inspired glow at the center of our life.

surf at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com/
surf at http://sgraffiliatebootcamp.com/
thank you

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Third Dimension Living

105 Universal Laws
and Conditions of Third Dimension Living

All creation is governed by law. The principles that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of consciousness. Contained within these laws (or conditions) is the true nature of matter. Knowledge of these laws has an effect upon the mental urges. Mind is the builder. Stay in full mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to self and to others, and know that in love all life is given, in love all things move.

In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving, love becomes the fulfillment of desire, guided and directed in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of self as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in life. Love IS life. When we go back, merge with the God Source, in some infinitesimal but profound way, we expand the Mind of God.

Our God and higher self always points the best and most perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show the perfect way, the loving way. All of creation pushes forth. We are ever becoming. Identity ever remains!

get also at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com

Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Law of Group Life

Excerpt from Bodhi Center

36. The Law of Group Life.

Not only must man fulfill in love his family and national obligations, but he must think in the wider terms of humanity itself, and so bring the Law of Brotherhood into expression. Brotherhood is a group quality. Questions of self such as "Will my action tend to the group good? Will the group suffer or hurt if I do this action?" Abiding by these actions will gradually become part of our racial consciousness, and our civilization will adjust itself to these new conditions. All aspects of life of God are interdependent, and when one proceeds to fuller expression, all of the group
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Law of Faith

Excerp from Bodhi Centre

27. The Law of Faith.

The Law of Faith is founded upon the recognition that we know more than we have read, heard, or studied. We Know more because we Are a part of the ALL. We have a direct link to universal wisdom. We only have to look within, listen, discern, then trust. We need to develop more trust in our own deepest intuition and wisdom as the final arbiter and source of our decisions.

Full Abundance to you.

Ricky Murugan

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Law of Continuity of Consciousness

Excerpt from BODHI FELLOWSHIP,Center For Inner Peace.

The Universe is in a continuous and endless process of creation.

Cosmic consciousness is a reality, and everything in creation is connected to evrything else.

The medium for the 'implicate order' of this relationship is consciousness.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Law of Color


105 Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living.

The Law of Color.

All colors are centers of attraction,and are complementary or are antipathetic to each other.

Color is healing and impacts the physical,emotional,mental and human body profoundly.

To read the other powerful Laws see also:-



Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Ricky Murugan

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Law of knowledge

47. The Law of Knowledge.

This law concerns the fact that all knowledge concerns energy, its application, and its use or misuse. Much information is withheld from a person until s/he is a disciple, and still more until he is a pledged initiate. Information is not as necessary to the training of the disciple or initiate as is the proper use of thought energy. (i.e. Full Mindfulness) Knowledge is the right apprehension of the laws of energy, of the conservation of force, of the sources of energy, of its qualities, its types and its vibrations.

See also Law of Attraction at




Full Abundance and Happiness to you.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Prayer and Meditation.

The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living

71. The Law of Prayer and Meditation.

Prayer is a conscious concerted effort to commune with the Consciousness of Life and its Creator and thus we speak to God. Prayer is also an aligning, cleansing process opening up our inner-selves to the Source of all life and demonstrating that we are anxious for enlightenment and guidance. In prayer we speak to God but so often we do not wait for a reply. Meditation is the freeing and emptying of ourselves of obstacles that hinder communication and allow us to channel the God-Force, spiritually, mentally and physically. Meditation is likened to God speaking to us, and is the attunement of our physical and mental bodies to their spiritual Source. "Be still and know that I am God." In meditation, correctly aligned and unobstructed, the Creative Forces of God can rise along spiritual and physical channels in our bodies and be disseminated through sensitive spiritual chakras. Prayer is the precursor of meditation. Meditate regularly as we meet the Living God within the temple of our own body, cleansed and consecrated.