Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Law of Grace
34. The Law of Grace.
This can waive the Law of Karma. When applied, this law allows a person to receive more than one deserves or works for if it is in the highest good for all. When called upon, this law allows the person to send another a healing, to do soul talk, use divine decree, etc. and not suffer the consequences of karma incurrence, or interfere with the receiver's soul plan. The wording to insert in the request is "Under the Law of Grace." Another aspect of this law is to be of higher vibration to consistently live in grace. i.e. A loving person who works diligently sending world healing to Mother Earth and all on her body, and focusing so much on this activity, while shopping she forgets her car meter has expired. In all probability her car will not receive a ticket for this expiration. This condition can not be abused or it will leave.
See http://thesgrprogram.com
Empower yourself.
Ricky Murugan
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
73. The Law of Process.
This law is an awareness that we have things to accomplish in our life. If we wish to reach a certain goal, we must set a direction (create order), prepare well and proceed in small but sure steps. Any achievement can be managed in increments. Skipping a single step or taking a shortcut often results in failure. Also included in this law is the knowing to appreciate the accomplishment of a step toward a goal.
Be empowered.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
See alsohttp://rickym.thesgrprogram.com for free lessons
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Response ability
80. The Law of Responsibility.
It was God's idea to separate, to give our soul existence. It was our idea to go away from God into materiality with the original purpose of profound and speedy soul growth. There are some souls who have experienced, to some degree, soul loss. God is responsible for us through love and we are responsible to become or reclaim this divine love. Once we establish the limits and boundaries of our responsibility, we can take full charge of that which is our duty and let go of that which is not. We find more enjoyment supporting others as we create more harmonious co-operative relationships by understanding that which falls within our realm of responsibility. Under this law we understand a person's need to over co-operate to such an extent that one becomes codependent - the condition which is obsessive focus on other people's lives. This law reminds us to respect our internal values and find our own point of balance.
See http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com/
Thank you.
Ricky Murugan
Saturday, July 12, 2008
1. The Law of Abundance. (sometimes referred to as the Law of Opulence or Success.)
By creating visualizations of abundance in our lives we draw this energy of success into our reality. Success or abundance does not only apply to money. There is success in communication, spirituality, relationships and so on. When creating the abundance of financial gain remember to be IN this world, but not OF this world. We are not the sum total of your possessions.
see http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
see http://sgraffiliatebootcamp.com
Thank you.
Ricky Murugan
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Law of Balance
Remember, your world is just a reflection of you!
23. The Law of Economy of Force.
One of the three major laws. The Activity Aspect. This is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It is the law of the physical atom, and makes perfect each atom of time and each eternal period and carries all onward and upward and through, with the least possible effort with the proper adjustment of equilibrium and with the necessary rate of rate of rhythm. Unevenness of rhythm is really an illusion of time, and does not exist in the cosmic center. We need to ponder on this, for it holds the secret of peace, and we need to grasp the significance of that word through, for it describes the next racial expansion of consciousness, and has a hidden meaning. The person who aims at providing a point of contact between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of common-sense in all that s/he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economized, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant's sagacity and thus find a helper.
Thank you at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Monday, June 30, 2008
72. The Law of the Present Moment.
Time does not exist. What we refer to as past and future, have no reality except in our own mental constructs. The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a social agreement. In truth, we only have this moment. When we hold regret for an occurrence in the past we keep the regret alive with pictures and feelings we conjure up. When we feel anxiety about the future, we keep the anxiety alive with the pictures we imagine. Time is the abstract concept. When we practice remembering that the here and now is all we have, our present moments improve.
Thank you.
Ricky Murugan
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Law of Divine and Oneness
21. The Law of Divine Love and Oneness.
This Law concerns the ability of an entity to complete a round of reincarnation, develop such soul growth that the vibrational speed of the being qualifies him/her to merge with God. We then become a soul extension of God and among our choices many we have the ability to live in the liquid light which flows in and from God, or reincarnate as an avatar in third dimensional existence with the purpose of aiding mankind.
See http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
56. The Law of Meditation.
This law is defined as a current of unified thought. It is a continuum of mental effort to assimilate the object of meditation, free from any other effort to assimilate other objects. The very least that may happen is the calming of self. When meditating on God, the most profound happening will bring a merging of the two, or enlightenment, as Buddhists call this occurrence.
See http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Thank you.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Law of Economy of Force
23. The Law of Economy of Force. One of the three major laws. The Activity Aspect. This is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It is the law of the physical atom, and makes perfect each atom of time and each eternal period and carries all onward and upward and through, with the least possible effort with the proper adjustment of equilibrium and with the necessary rate of rate of rhythm. Unevenness of rhythm is really an illusion of time, and does not exist in the cosmic center. We need to ponder on this, for it holds the secret of peace, and we need to grasp the significance of that word through, for it describes the next racial expansion of consciousness, and has a hidden meaning. The person who aims at providing a point of contact between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of common-sense in all that s/he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economized, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant's sagacity and thus find a helper.
Empower and learn.
Thank you.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
83. The Law of Right to One's Own Space.
This is an aspect of free will, but another law of its own. Everyone is entitled to make career decisions for self, decide the belief system one feels comfortable with, and generally create the life that will allow one to fulfill his or her own birth vision. This is the right to one's own space, the right to live one's own life (allowing for parental direction in the developing young person). Overprotective or controlling parents, friends and even dictators have impeded this law and right since almost the inception of mankind.
Empower yourself.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Seeding of actions
46. The Law of Karma.
This is the natural principle of cause and effect. Every cause has its' effect; every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law. It is ever at work with chains of causations and effects that govern all of life and manifested matter. If a person was to follow each chain link of causation, it will be found that it has its beginning and endings in the non material realm, the realm of spirit. It affects the throwing of dice on a gambling table or a rock slide that is caused by rain and wind. Each can be followed and understood to the observing mind which sees the cycles in all things, and realizes that all things follow the Great Law. The law itself is illusive and cannot be proven other than observed with the mind and is used to determine the causations and effects of any event. When this law is used with conscious effort, desired results can be produced in a person's life by steering him or herself along definite paths of causation. When the law is used in an unconscious and haphazard mind, the effects could become potentially disastrous for the individual or group of individuals. So called "accidents" could occur without warning to individuals who toil through life without awareness. We are responsible for the very thoughts that we produce and the final result of our own mental alchemy. Fear is one of the most dangerous mental causation that prevents a person from thinking and acting as the higher self would prefer. The cause of fear is the result of a lack of knowledge about the unknown God which should be the most important educational journey in a person's life. The causation of fear can only be removed through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding Universal Law, the reality that we live in order to produce the desired effects in our lives. The greatest evil under the sun according to Hermes / Thoth, is Not knowing God. In every minute thought, action, and deed that is performed, a person sets into motion unseen chains of causations and effects which will vibrate from the mental plane throughout the entire cellular structure of body, out into the environment, and finally into the cosmos. Eventually the vibratory energy returns to its originator upon the return swing of the pendulum. All this in less time than the twinkling of an eye. Because there are seven dimensions of reality in which causations can occur, we remain unaware of many reasons for effects. By understanding Universal laws we can learn to operate in grace instead of accumulating karma (restrictive). This law is mechanically or mathematically operative; its workings may be scientifically manipulated by men and women of divine wisdom (fully realized). The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Therefore, desire is the chain that binds man to the reincarnational wheel. Karma is attracted only where the magnet of the personal ego still exists. An understanding of karma as the law of justice underlying life's inequalities serves to free the human mind from resentment against God and man.
Full Abundance and Happiness to you at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Ricky Murugan
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Law of Vibration and Attraction-Part 4
The Uneducated One
Again, keep in mind that the combination may be the same but the rate of vibrations of the atoms within a human being varies from one another.
The rate of vibrations of the atoms determine the spiritual,intellectual,emotional and physical state of a human being.
If you look at those who are really successful,they would most of the time be in the company of their own kind,whom are successful.
Don't take my word for granted!
Go out there,follow this people and see for yourself!
Discover more of your abundance attraction at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com/
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Uneducated One
Even within different types of animals,their vibrations are different.
A tiger has different formation of atoms and a different rate of vibration compared to a deer.
Even within a group of the same animals,for eg tigers, the rate of vibration varies from one another,as such giving them different characteristics.
How would it be different in us, in our daily lives?
See at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Monday, April 14, 2008
Awareness Series Book 1
The Uneducated One
Every object is a combination of atoms at varying speeds of vibration.
As per the law of vibration and and attraction the object that sends out vibration attracts to it the object or objects with the same vibrations.
See other law in your life at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Ricky Murugan
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Awareness Series Book 1
The Law simply states that anyone or anything that sends out vibrations would attract to himself or itself, whatever that is harmony with that vibrations.
Thank you.
Ricky Murugan
Growth and expansion
25. The Law of Expansion.
This law of a gradual evolutionary expansion of the consciousness indwelling every form is the cause of the spheroidal form of every life in the entire solar system. It is a fact in nature that all that is in existence dwells within a sphere. The sphere requires two types of force - rotary and spiral-cyclic to produce its own internal activity. The law of relativity, or the relation between all atoms, which produces that which is called Light, and which in its aggregated phenomena, forms that composite sphere, a solar system. It is also known as the law of expansive response, and its symbol is the flaming rosy sun with a sign in the center, a sign symbolizing the union of fire and water. . The ray energy is expansive energy of the 3rd ray, the adapting factor.
Check the law of abudance at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Learn more at http://sgraffiliatebootcamp.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you
Ricky Murugan
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Spiritual Laws
14. The Law of Continuity of Consciousness.
The Universe is in a continuous and endless process of creation. Cosmic consciousness is a reality, and everything in creation is connected to everything else. The medium for the 'implicate order' of this relationship is consciousness. The fusion of individual consciousness and the universal consciousness (the building of the antahkarana) results in the development of universal knowledge, of omniscience (all science/all knowledge). Continuity of consciousness is achieved by us after the soul has been acknowledged, awakened, liberated and identified with the Whole (enlightenment). A step to achieve enlightenment is to be aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions, the faculty that enables us to be vigilant, observant or to know.
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Thank you.
Ricky Murugan
Saturday, March 22, 2008
105 Universal Laws
and Conditions of Third Dimension Living
All creation is governed by law. The principles that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of consciousness. Contained within these laws (or conditions) is the true nature of matter. Knowledge of these laws has an effect upon the mental urges. Mind is the builder. Stay in full mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to self and to others, and know that in love all life is given, in love all things move.
In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving, love becomes the fulfillment of desire, guided and directed in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of self as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in life. Love IS life. When we go back, merge with the God Source, in some infinitesimal but profound way, we expand the Mind of God.
Our God and higher self always points the best and most perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show the perfect way, the loving way. All of creation pushes forth. We are ever becoming. Identity ever remains!
See more at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com/ and http://groups.google.com/group/secret-affiliates
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
and Conditions of Third Dimension Living
All creation is governed by law. The principles that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of consciousness. Contained within these laws (or conditions) is the true nature of matter. Knowledge of these laws has an effect upon the mental urges. Mind is the builder. Stay in full mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to self and to others, and know that in love all life is given, in love all things move.
In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving, love becomes the fulfillment of desire, guided and directed in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of self as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in life. Love IS life. When we go back, merge with the God Source, in some infinitesimal but profound way, we expand the Mind of God.
Our God and higher self always points the best and most perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show the perfect way, the loving way. All of creation pushes forth. We are ever becoming. Identity ever remains!
Value more at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com/
Explore at http://groups.google.com/group/secret-affiliates
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Will Power
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Repulse and Responsibility
80. The Law of Responsibility.
Friday, March 7, 2008
78. The Law of Rebound.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Prayer and meditation
71. The Law of Prayer and Meditation.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Laws of Love
50. The Law of the Lower Four.
51. The Law of Magnetic Control.
Friday, February 15, 2008
47. The Law of Knowledge.
This law concerns the fact that all knowledge concerns energy, its application, and its use or misuse. Much information is withheld from a person until s/he is a disciple, and still more until he is a pledged initiate. Information is not as necessary to the training of the disciple or initiate as is the proper use of thought energy. (i.e. Full Mindfulness) Knowledge is the right apprehension of the laws of energy, of the conservation of force, of the sources of energy, of its qualities, its types and its vibrations.
Know at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Ricky Murugan
Observe the Laws that protect you
The Universal Laws and Conditions of Third Dimension Living
46. The Law of Karma.
This is the natural principle of cause and effect. Every cause has its' effect; every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law. It is ever at work with chains of causations and effects that govern all of life and manifested matter. If a person was to follow each chain link of causation, it will be found that it has its beginning and endings in the non material realm, the realm of spirit. It affects the throwing of dice on a gambling table or a rock slide that is caused by rain and wind. Each can be followed and understood to the observing mind which sees the cycles in all things, and realizes that all things follow the Great Law. The law itself is illusive and cannot be proven other than observed with the mind and is used to determine the causations and effects of any event. When this law is used with conscious effort, desired results can be produced in a person's life by steering him or herself along definite paths of causation. When the law is used in an unconscious and haphazard mind, the effects could become potentially disastrous for the individual or group of individuals. So called "accidents" could occur without warning to individuals who toil through life without awareness. We are responsible for the very thoughts that we produce and the final result of our own mental alchemy. Fear is one of the most dangerous mental causation that prevents a person from thinking and acting as the higher self would prefer. The cause of fear is the result of a lack of knowledge about the unknown God which should be the most important educational journey in a person's life. The causation of fear can only be removed through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding Universal Law, the reality that we live in order to produce the desired effects in our lives. The greatest evil under the sun according to Hermes / Thoth, is Not knowing God. In every minute thought, action, and deed that is performed, a person sets into motion unseen chains of causations and effects which will vibrate from the mental plane throughout the entire cellular structure of body, out into the environment, and finally into the cosmos. Eventually the vibratory energy returns to its originator upon the return swing of the pendulum. All this in less time than the twinkling of an eye. Because there are seven dimensions of reality in which causations can occur, we remain unaware of many reasons for effects. By understanding Universal laws we can learn to operate in grace instead of accumulating karma (restrictive). This law is mechanically or mathematically operative; its workings may be scientifically manipulated by men and women of divine wisdom (fully realized). The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Therefore, desire is the chain that binds man to the reincarnational wheel. Karma is attracted only where the magnet of the personal ego still exists. An understanding of karma as the law of justice underlying life's inequalities serves to free the human mind from resentment against God and man.
See :http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Have you broken the Laws?
37. The Law of Group Progress.
This law is also known as the law of elevation. The symbol is the mountain and the goat standing at the summit with the astrological sign of Capricorn. (All hard places can be surmounted and the summit reached by the Divine Goat - a symbol meaning group effort.) The ray energy is progressive energy of the 7th ray, the evolving factor.
38. The Law of Healing.
This law concerns the ability of one to channel energy (prana - chi - holy spirit) which radiates from the Source we call God. The purpose of this channeled energy is to either improve self or another by removing blockages or instilling the sacred energy which pulsates from the Source of God. With intent or technique we may send this energy to the past, present, or future. Hands-on healers who are effective in healing have brain waves at 7.8 Hz - the same as the earth's pulse beat. Their brain waves are in sync with the earth's at the time the healing is performed. Another aspect of this law is the ability of one in third dimension to heal self by that which triggers a leap in faith.
See at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
See at http://sgraffiliatebootcamp.com/
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Laws
31. The Law of Free Will, or the Law of Choice.
We in third dimension have the right to expand or contract, to bring our creative and expressive energies out into the world in positive or negative ways. This is our ultimate decision. Not all of existence lives with this law as it carries with it both the possibility of great soul growth and the ability to loose soul growth and create evil or negativity. No matter what our circumstances, we have the power to choose our direction. We also choose to be under the influence of others or choose to be an example for others. We do it with a hundred actions which lead to the circumstances we find ourselves in today. Thoughts are things and the mind is the builder. The free will we use to create mixes with our ability to love profoundly, and therefore this path reflects the duration of the time spent in attempt to merge with the Great Soul of all Creation. The Christ warned of that which could destroy the soul (not Spirit) so there is always a possibility that a soul entity on its journey could become a God-hater with diminished light and be absorbed back into the Spirit of God to become just spirit and no longer a soul with separate awareness. A goal of our higher selves is to voluntarily and willingly surrender our egos to be a perfected spirit, hanging up the Soul-Overcoat of manifestation regardless of how many lifetimes it takes.
32. The Law of Gender.
This law embodies the Truth that gender is manifested in everything - the masculine and feminine law is ever at work on all planes of causation. Gender manifests on all three planes of causation which are the great spiritual plane, the great mental plane, and the great physical plane. The law is always the same on all planes, but on the higher planes, it takes higher forms of manifestation. This law works in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. All life forms contain the two elements of gender - masculine and feminine. On the great physical plane, the sexes of all species are manifested as male and female and the role they play in sexual reproduction. On the great mental plane, gender manifests as masculine and feminine energies that exist within each and every person. Every male has its female element, and every female has its male element. On the great spiritual plane, gender manifests as the Father-Mother principle of the Infinite Omnipresent God in whose mind the universe is conceived and firmly held. It is written, "We all live, move, and have our being within God. When balance and learning reach a critical mass, the personality achieves the merger of God, and see self as neither male or female, but as one blended self.
See also http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you and a Happy Chinese New Year
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Law of Cycles and Cyclic Return.
The world of nature exists within a larger pattern of cycles, such as day and night and the passing of the seasons. The seasons do not push one another. Neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in good time. Everything as a time to rise, and a time to fall. Whatever rises, falls and whatever falls shall rise again. That is the principle of cycles.
16. The Law of Cyclic Return.
Otherwise known as the wheel of reincarnation, once a soul qualifies for an incarnation to third dimension, there is an understanding that it must be completed. Reincarnation is that process by which the 'consciousness of the permanent atom' manifests in another body through the human birthing process. (This accounts for the fact of genius in the very young.) All karma must be cleared or forgiven and certain aspects of soul growth accomplished before this entire episode of reincarnational growth is considered finished .
Surf also at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Law of Balance or Equipoise.
7. The Law of Balance or Equipoise. (fair exchange)
This is elaboration and continuation of the law of equalities. The law of balance is a universal law that supersedes all of man's laws, creating stability for all third dimension manifestation. Each thought must be balanced by whomever creates it. This is divine wisdom. Allow all viewpoints without feeling you must defend your own. Allow no one to tell you what your journey must reflect or what your reality is. Do not give your power away so easily, but give your love unconditionally. Any messages communicated in love validates equality. Low self esteem is just as non productive as a puffed up sense of self esteem. They both deny equality. Another manifestation of the imbalance of this law is addiction.
See also at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Law of Analogy
4. The Law of Analogy.
Although this is a definite condition of third dimension existence, no analogy is ever exact in detail but only in certain broad basic correspondences. There will be found unchangeable points of resemblance, but in using analogy viewing creation, no two details are exact. Using analogy in trying to mentally explain the unexplainable, one attempts to convey understanding, in a broad sense.
Check at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Law of Action
2. The Law of Action.
No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Those of us who think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only create knowingness when we act; doing becomes understanding. Every aspirant is a focal point of energy and should be a conscious focal point. In the midst of the whirl and storm (of the chaos of third dimension) s/he should make his/her presence felt.
See also at http://rickym.thesgrprogrm.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Law of Abundance
1. The Law of Abundance. (sometimes referred to as the Law of Opulence or Success.)
By creating visualizations of abundance in our lives we draw this energy of success into our reality. Success or abundance does not only apply to money. There is success in communication, spirituality, relationships and so on. When creating the abundance of financial gain remember to be IN this world, but not OF this world. We are not the sum total of your possessions.
Empower yourself.
See also http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
God,will power
The creators of our world carry out their work of form-building under this law. God's working has to do with things free from change and movement - things divine. It is God's will that what is human should be divine, and therefore all creation pushes forth to the God Light. God is all good, and it is by reason of the Good that all other things exist.
105. The Law of Will Power.
This law concerns the individual drive within a soul extension/personality which is projected from the complete entity. The individual developing soul extension differs in degree of will power from its other entity extensions/soul family members. Depending on the conditions of an incarnational experience and the incoming will of this extension, the personality can possess a drive to accomplish something that may seem overwhelming to others in the soul family and/or other incarnational personalities (friends). This law depicts the right and condition of each personality or soul extension to generate it's own degree of will power.
see another at http://rickym.thesgrprogram.com
Full Abundance and Happiness to you.
Ricky Murugan
Friday, January 4, 2008
78. The Law of Rebound.
79. The Law of Repulse.
I wish that all of you will have a great opening year in 2008.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A new year ahead
71. The Law of Prayer and Meditation.
72. The Law of the Present Moment.