Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012


Do read until the end for the pleasant surprise in store for you.

A great Morning and 2012 to ALL, the Greats.

Thank You or the support all these time, and I would like to share a little bit about the above subject.

What is this key to Cash Unlimited is all about?

It addresses the long life issues of money and our relationship with the latter in crucial areas such:-

1) How to be a conscious spender?
2) Where does riches come from?
3) Why so many millions and yet ended up bankrupt?
4) How do you feel about your money situation now?
5) What is your self-image around money?
6) What are your greatest blockages/fears around money?
7) What is/are your money shadow(s)?
8) Where are you financially now?
9) others

It is a great impactful solid 4 hours workshop designed and delivered by Napoleon Hills (M) Sdn Bhd and designed by a team of resourceful and well qualified team, consists of Ms Christina Chia;the founder Chairman of the esteemed success learning centre and also no least importance by Ms Florence Lam and her great supporter Ms Poly Yap, plus the team of dedicated person in the centre.

Visit the profile here of the Chief Facilitator; Ms Florence Lam-

She has a strings of credentials namely

Qualified Inner Game Coach.
Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
Certified Money Coach (CMC)
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

All the answers is to be revealed to you in that particular afternoon.

Participants need to commit to engaged fully to benefit from this particular session and many games specifically designed to bring out and enhance the experiential learning of the participants.

The areas of exploration would be the areas of the
mind and money,
thoughts are things,
conscious and the subconscious mind,
Thoughts, emotions and actions,
Knowing yourself,
What is money?..etc.

What are the 4 keys to CASH UNLIMITED? plus lots of surprises...can you afford to miss this??

Watch out and log in your planner for April 21st, 2012 at 2.30pm to 6pm for this impactful session.

Call now at Tel:03-2144 1818/03-2145 3340 to reserve your seats at RM30.00 only for the first 10 pax.
(1 tea break and notes included)

See you there and Thank You.

"Meet, Collaborate & Add Value."
Ricky Murugan


Great Morning, to ALL Greats.

Lets get back to Money Tool no.6:COSMIC HABIT FORCE.

The orderliness of the world of natural laws gives evidence that they are under the control of a universal plan.

Man and woman is the only living creature equipped with the power of choice through which he may establish his own thought and behaviour patterns.

You have the power to break bad habits and to create good ones in their place - at will.

You are where you are and what you are because of your established habits and thoughts and deeds.

Thoughts and emotions bring about action.Choice habit.


Ask yourself- 

"If I only had empowering beliefs about money and about myself, what would my life look like?"

"What would I be doing?"

What one specific action would you take?

Thank You.

"Meet, Collaborate & Add Value"
Ricky Murugan

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Great Day to ALL.

Today we arrive at the chapter on SHAPE.

What is limitations are removed?

What are the options?

How to create change?

Firstly check our-self against the negative common money beliefs, by using the money blinders tracking sheet.Identify self esteem/belief areas.

Encourage on self-love areas.

Achieve your money freedom by re framing from money blinders and shift to empowerment to money visions.

Thus the Money tool 4 is Self-discipline.

Self-discipline or self-control means taking possession of your own mind.

Your thought is the only thing which you have full control of.

Direct your thoughts, control your emotions and ordain your destiny!

What is one specific action that you would take?

Money Tool 5:Positive Mental Attitude.

Your mental attitude is the medium by which you can balance your life and your relationship to the people and circumstances-to attract what you desire.

We are all born equal in the sense that we all have equal access to the Great Principle.

What is ONE specific action you will take?

Thank You for your time and support.

"Meet, Collaborate & Add Value."
Ricky Murugan

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Great Day to ALL.

Allow me some room to share with you the following part of the above with Chapter on ASSESS.

During times of decision, check on your values and your Definite Major Purpose.

1) What is happening now?

2) What is getting in the way?

3) What choices created the situation?

What motivates my recent purchases?

a) Why did I buy this item/service?

b) How did I feel before I bought it?

c) How did I feel after I bought it?

d) Do I still feel that way?

e) If not, how long did this feeling last?

Score yourself of values on this purchase.Name the 5 top values.

Check yourself against the Money Mind Matrix.
Where are you now?

Are you on the Unconscious Competence?
Are you on the Unconscious Incompetence?
Are you on the Conscious Incompetence?
Are you on the Conscious Competence?

What are the stories that have been plaguing you since your childhood days?

What are the stories that have been plaguing in your adult life?

What is your belief system?

Your thoughts becomes things as the seed in your subconscious mind.
Change your stories to change your lifestyle.

Do the 3S money flow tracker.Do the monthly tracking.
Where is your money flowing to?
Are they consistent with your values?

Thank You for your time and attention.

"Meet,Collaborate & Add Value."
Ricky Murugan

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year 2012.

How are all the GREATS ushering in the new year.It is great to be back again with all of you.

Just kick off with you with Money Key 3:Creative Vision.

Creative Vision is a quality of mind belonging only to men and women who follow the habit of going the extra mile, for it recognizes no such thing as the regularity of working hours, is not concerned with monetary compensation, and its highest aim is to do the impossible.

Creative Vision is definitely and closely related to the state of mind known as faith, and it is significant that those who have demonstrated the greatest amount of creative vision are known to have been men with a great capacity for faith.

This is both logical and understandable when we recognise that faith is the means of approach to Infinite Intelligence, the source of all knowledge and all facts, both great and small.

There we are, enjoy.

Create a picture or collection of pictures to help you to visualise the objects that you want.It is called a vision board.Choose the pictures from magazines, newspapers..etc and cut then stick on the sketch book.

See and visualise them on waking up and before retiring at the end of the day.

"Imagination is everything.It is the preview of life's coming.-Albert Einstein".

State down your commitment and specific action steps for the next 30 days.

The next workshop, we shall explore on the concept of ASSESS.

See you then.

Thank You for your support.

"Meet, Collaborate & Add Value."
Ricky Murugan